Search characteristics are grouped within panels on the search screen. General criteria appear on the left, and case-specific criteria appear on the right.
General (top left): You may search by subject category, participant's name, role, and date.
Case (top right) and Non-Litigation (right middle): You may search by case name, jurisdiction, type, court name, division, action, and judgment. For nonlitigation activities you may search by activity and activity type.
Document (bottom left): These characteristics describe documents that are contained in cases or nonlitigation activities. Even though the search is for documents that match the description, the search will retrieve cases and nonlitigation activities. You may search by document type, date, author/signer name, and capacity (such as author or endorser).
Direct (bottom right): This allows you to do a direct search directly for case or nonlitigation activity IDs or a document ID.
Entering Search Terms
There are three ways to enter search terms into the text boxes:
1. Click on the down arrow at the right side of a text box to display the drop-down menu. Use the up and down arrows to scroll through the list, or click and drag the sliding bar up or down. Click on one of the search terms to select it.
2. Click on the down arrow at the right side of a text box to display the drop-down menu. To jump directly to it, begin typing the first several letters of the search term you want. Click on the search term to select it.
3. Type the search term directly into the text box.
Note: For best results, select a search term from the drop-down menu.
When you have selected a search term or terms, click on the Add to Query button to create a search statement within the Query box.
Click on the Search button to begin the search.
Click on the Clear Fields button to clear text from all of the text boxes at once or manually clear text from a text box by highlighting it and pressing the Delete key.
Click on the Clear Query button to clear the current search statement from the Query box or highlight text in the Query box and press the Delete key.